Books on the Bosque – November 11-12, 2022
POSTED: Tuesday, May 3, 2022
Make plans to join us for Books on the Bosque. Friday kicks off the conference with An Acoustic Evening with Radney Foster, where the country music singer/songwriter of Foster & Lloyd fame will read excerpts from his book of short fiction For You to See the Stars between songs and anecdotes behind the creations.
Saturday will bring a day for readers and writers featuring award-winning mystery writer Anne Hillerman. Following in the footsteps of her father, Tony Hillerman, Anne continues the Navajo detective stories he made popular. Her latest, The Sacred Bridge (a continuation of the Leaphorn, Chee & Manuelito series), was released in April.
The Books on the Bosque writing contest will award $250, $100, and $50 for first, second, and third places in the categories of short story, creative nonfiction essay, and poetry (rhymed or unrhymed). Guidelines will be available July 1 on the website or at the BAC. Entry deadline will be September 19, 2022.
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