Bosque Valley Artisan Guild

Founded in 2008 the Bosque Valley Artisan Guild is a nonprofit guild for potters, sculptors, metal crafters, woodcarvers, wood workers, wood turners, fabric artists, jewelers,teachers, and students who create in three dimensional mediums. The organization’s mission is to foster a vital artisan craft community; encourage professional development for its members through programming, exhibition opportunities, workshops and sales venues; promote and support artisan craftsmen and activities; and educate the public about artisan crafts and local makers.

Locally, the Bosque Arts Center at 215 S. College Hill Drive, Clifton, TX, carries works by Guild members.  To be a member of the Artisan Guild is $50 annually (in addition to BAC dues).



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Where We Are

P.O. Box 373
215 College Hill Drive
Clifton, Texas 76634

Mon-Fri: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Saturday: Special Events Only

Interactive Map

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