Texas Troubadour Songwriter Classic

A Nationwide Songwriting Competition

The BAC seeks to celebrate and promote country music songwriters and singer/songwriters by providing an opportunity nationwide for recognition of their talent in the great state of Texas. The competition will be judged each year by well known Country Music Songwriters.

The Texas Troubadour Songwriter Classic is a contest open to U.S. songwriters and singer/songwriters.  Contestants may enter original songs by CD or by uploading digital entries to be considered for a $1000 Song of the Year Award as well as the live competition for singer/songwriters in October with the $1500 Texas Troubadour and $500 People's Choice awards. Entries open in late spring and close mid-summer.

2024 Judge

Jimmy Fortune

Jimmy Fortune


We are thrilled to announce singer/songwriter Jimmy Fortune as headliner and judge for the 2024 Texas Troubadour Songwriter Classic.  The former Statler Brothers tenor will judge mp3 entries in the Song of the Year category at the end of the summer, then perform a concert with his band after judging the 5 finalists in the Texas Troubadour live event October 26.

Entry Deadline:



View the 2024 prospectus for entry criteria.

Please read the prospectus carefully.

Create an account to make entries to the Texas Troubadour Songwriter Classic

About the Texas Troubadour....

The contest accepts original songs in the country music genre (Americana, Red Dirt, traditional, blues, gospel, and rockabilly flavors acceptable).

Songwriters and singer/songwriters may enter simple recordings in mp3 format online through midnight of the deadline. Entries on CD need to be postmarked by that date as well.

Prizes of $1,500 will be awarded to the Texas Troubadour winner. A prize of $1,000 will be awarded to the songwriter winning Song of the Year. A $500 People’s Choice Award will also be voted on and given to the fan favorite after live performances.

Entry fees are $15 per song submitted online; $20 per song for mailed CDs or alternative methods. There is an additional $15 fee for consideration for the Texas Troubadour live portion of the contest.

Entries will be judged on the lyrics

 and music alone; recording quality will not be a consideration, therefore studio recordings are not required. Contestants are encouraged to create mp3s or CDs of their original compositions using any available technology. All entries must consist of vocals accompanied by some sort of musical instrument. A cappella and instrumental entries will not be accepted.

For the Song of the Year category only, songwriters who do not feel comfortable singing the songs themselves are free to have someone else perform the songs for them on recordings.

Contestants interested in being considered for the Texas Troubadour Singer/Songwriter Award must submit 3 original songs which they perform, as well as a DVD or a link to a videotaped performance. The quality of the video is not a consideration; however, the video needs to display the personality and stage presence of the contestant.  The judges will use the video performances, along with the song submissions, to choose 5 to 10 finalists for the Texas Troubado

ur live performance event at the Bosque Arts Center. The Texas Troubadour and People's Choice prizes will be awarded based on the live performances that evening.

Contestants for all categories are welcome to use smart phone mp3 or video recording apps, computer software programs, webcams, or other technology to create recordings for contest submissions.

For more information call 254-675-3724 or contact us by e-mail.

View History of Troubadour Winners

View the video retrospective of the first decade

Moe Bandy with winner Zac Clifton

Moe Bandy (right) presents the 2023 Texas Troubadour title to Zac Clifton (center).

Troubadour Winner Sadie Self and Marty Haggard 2021 Texas Troubadour winner Sadie Self with judge Marty Haggard

Feedback from Former Contestants & Winners

“I couldn’t believe it when I found out that my song had been selected by Michael Martin Murphey for Song of the Year. As a young child I listened to his records on a portable turntable in my room and dreamed of being a singer one day. Having that kind of validation from someone you admire and respect so much as a writer and an artist is invaluable, but I was grateful to be able to take the earnings from the win to a studio [in] Nashville and record ‘Come Back Home’ professionally. I will be releasing the single to radio this summer. This has truly been one of the best moments of my life. Thank you!”  
-Julie Reese, 2018 Song of the Year winner


“It was such a great experience all around! We were so well taken care of by everyone behind the scenes and those who organized it, and it felt a lot more like a celebration of music and songwriting than a contest.  One of the best parts was getting to meet and hang out with such talented, nice and fun people that day!”
–Ericka Knudson, Troubadour finalist 2016 & 2017


Ray Wylie Hubbard introduces winners at the 2014 Texas Troubadour Songwriter Classic.


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Where We Are

P.O. Box 373
215 College Hill Drive
Clifton, Texas 76634

Mon-Fri: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Saturday: Special Events Only

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