Feathers Michael Archer
The Potter Court Bailey
Big Sky Woman Calvin Carter
Distinguished Skeptic Calvin Carter
Lakota Pride Calvin Carter
The Girls Got It Jolee French
Sunset in Spain Tatsiana Harbacheuskaya
Rain Veils Nancy Harkins
Never Too Young Olivette Hubler
Interrupted Jackie Long
Bison Wesley Dallas Merritt
Towhee Wesley Dallas Merritt
White Throated Sparrow Wesley Dallas Merritt
Yellow Headed Blackbird Wesley Dallas Merritt
Fall Through the Cracks Reg Narmour
Politics Ann Patton
Haunting Beauty Trish Poupard
Fetching--Splish Splash Kathleen Stafford
Cowboy Zen Richie Vios
Water Media
P.O. Box 373 215 College Hill Drive Clifton, Texas 76634 254-675-3724 HOURS Mon-Fri: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday: Special Events Only Interactive Map